Inventory Management: The Nuts and Bolts
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Inventory Management: The Nuts and Bolts Courseware

  • Customizable teaching manual
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  • includes FREE quick reference guide
  • includes FREE PowerPoint slides
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About Inventory Management: The Nuts and Bolts Courseware

Most companies carry too much inventory. "You can't sell from an empty wagon" is usually the reasoning. Being over-stocked means the company will likely not run out of anything. But what about the inventory that has celebrated a few birthdays in the warehouse? Has anyone stopped to calculate the true cost of worrying about "running out?"

The costs of maintaining excessive inventory usually far outweigh the true cost of not being able to quickly deliver a particular item to a customer once in a very long while. A balance must be struck between inventory levels and turnover. Good inventory managers know what stock moves at what rate. They carefully plan re-order levels to ensure that the chances of running out are minimized while the turnover rate is maximized. 

Highlights of what participants will learn:

  • Internal Customers & External Customers;
  • The receiving process;
  • The outbound process;
  • Setting business and inventory management objectives;
  • Inventory validation techniques.


We also offer an eLearning solution as well.
For an initial overview of this solution, please watch this short video.

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